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Ottawa Valley Forest Inc (OVFI), now over 25 years in operation (1998-2024), is a proud member of Ontario's forest industry and the holder of the Sustainable Forest Licence (SFL) for the Ottawa Valley Forest. OVFI of Pembroke is responsible for forest management planning and the implementation of forest management activities on the Ottawa Valley Forest. While the whole of Renfrew County is considered to be the management unit, OVFI is only responsible for the management of Crown lands within the county that are managed for forestry purposes. Crown lands in provincial parks, conservation reserves and some other special designations exclude forest management but contribute to non-timber objectives for Crown forests. We do not manage any private lands.


The shareholders in the company are a group wood processing facilities and logging contractors who operate in the license area. The operation of the company is governed by a Unanimous Shareholders Agreement.

We are dedicated to:
  • The principle that healthy and diverse forest ecosystems are the key to a sustainable forest-based economy
  • The conservation of our natural environment the enhancement and maintenance of all forest values
  • Conducting our business in a professional, open and fair manner
  • Providing our shareholders with the most cost effective and efficient forest management services and support
  • Continuous learning and the application of the best available science and knowledge
  • Promoting awareness and training for the safety and well being of forest workers

We are responsible for:
  • Preparing the Forest Management Plan (FMP)
  • Annual reporting to the public through the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (OMNR)
  • Planning timber harvest operations
  • Forest renewal; tree planting, tending, tree marking
  • Gathering recording and assessing information about the forest
  • Training and educating forest workers
  • Inspecting all forest operations to ensure they comply with company standards and laws

© Copyright Ottawa Valley Forest 2008